Friday, May 27, 2011

Slow and Steady but why SO slow?

The mailer we received today said "lightning fast internet speeds" and offered us 3 Mbps - another gentle reminder that we're "not in Kansas anymore" - and we've adjusted to that. We are living in another country, albeit in close proximity to our own. My new OCC-Canada associate, Ben, said, "if you pass through, visiting, you're not likely to see the difference", and he's right.

We all flit from place to place on vacation but rarely "see" the every day life of people. I think that's why our family presses in to tour guides to ask the real questions. Islam, our guide/now friend, in Egypt taught us not only about the history of his country but also gave us so much insight to the lives of 20-somethings there. We bonded - something we need to do wherever we go or live.

Isn't that the whole point of traveling and life? We need to get close to people. What are we afraid of, and why are we slow about it? Rick Steves thinks everyone is out to pick our pocket; I think I'd rather pick their brains and their hearts. Are you ready, my friends? Let's get to know each other.

1 comment:

  1. You are so good at connecting. I'd love to have your gift for that.
