Where is everything?! We arrived back into Canada last night, and this morning I couldn't remember where the flatware is. I needed a spoon for my cereal and just stood in the kitchen, looking at the drawers but not daring to open one. Shouldn't I know rather than be guessing? I'm happy to say my foggy brain came through and reminded me. It's only been a few months away, and although I've been back & forth a bit, organizing the home in Florida caused me to somehow erase or refile the things in the Canada rental.
Our brains have the ability to hold an unimaginable amount of information, but we don't really trust that. How true is that of all things in our lives? If we are honest with ourselves, we know who and what we can trust. Why, then, do we question that? If you're like me, it's a control thing. Letting go - trusting - is there to teach me/us that we don't have to take care of everything. God puts people in our lives to come alongside us and love on us, have fun with us, and to lift the unnecessary burdens we place on ourselves.
Not knowing where to find a spoon reminded me that a) I don't need to know everything, and b) all things are as they should be. I just need to trust in that.
With all your changes and traveling I'm surprised you don't have these moments more often!